School Liaison

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Joint Region Marianas
Warfighter & Family Readiness
Bldg. 203 Halsey Drive
Nimitz Hill, Piti, Guam 96925




Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



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School Liaisons serve as the primary liaison between community schools, commanders, and military parents. Represent, inform, and assist Commands. Assist military families with school issues. Coordinate with local school systems. Forge partnerships between the military and schools.

Goals Include:

  • Identifying barriers to academic success and develop solutions;
  • Promote parental involvement and educate local communities and schools regarding the needs of military children;
  • Develop and coordinate partnerships in education; and
  • Provide parents with the tools they need to overcome challenges to education that stem from the military lifestyle.

School Liaison Provide Seven Core Services to Assist Families:

  1. School Transitions Services (PCS Cycle). Click here for more information.
  2. Deployment Support
  3. Command, School & Community Communications
  4. Home School Linkage and Support
  5. Partnerships in Education
  6. Post-Secondary Preparations
  7. Special Needs System Navigation

Contact your School Liaison for questions about schools in your current or next duty station. The School Liaison Worldwide Directory can be found on


  • Education Options PreK-12 Grade  

    Active duty military and eligible civilians may choose to enroll their children in DoDEA Guam Schools, public or private schools or to homeschool. The majority of service members' children attend the four DoDEA Guam Schools. Parents are highly encouraged to HAND-CARRY COPIES OF SHOT RECORDS AND SCHOOL RECORDS such as report cards/high school transcripts, test results, IEP, other records to help with student placement. For a New Student, Welcome Checklist click here

  • DoDEA Pacific West Guam Schools PreK – 12th grade (on-base)  

    To register for DoDEA Guam, click here.


    Visit for eligibility, immunizations( PPD or “TB”), calendars, uniforms, school bus transportation, curriculum standards, courses, programs, graduation requirements, test data, etc. View/download the DoDEA Guam school boundaries and bus transportation zones. 


    DODEA Guam schools require SCHOOL UNIFORMS for K- 8th and a DRESS CODE for 9th - 12th grades. Please view the school uniform/dress code on the school Facebook page or on the website under Policies and Procedures/Dress code. Uniform components do not have to be purchased at any particular store.


    Contact your child's school for information about the Student Meal Program. Ask your school office about USDA Free or Reduced Price meals which your child maybe eligible for based on your family income.

  • Guam Department of Education Public Schools K-12th grade (off-base)  

    Guam Public School information can be viewed on
    Bus Transportation (public and private schools): contact the school or Guam Department of Public Works, Bus Operations at 671-646-3122. 

  • Guam Private Schools PreK-12th grade (off-base)  

    Click here for a list of Private Schools in Guam.

  • Home School Information  

  • Partnerships  

    DoDEA Guam Schools are looking for volunteers as guest speakers, college and career guests, Read Across America, science fair judges, mentors, STEM support, and much more. Contact one of the DoDEA Guam schools for more information. To volunteer at Guam public schools contact your Command Volunteer Coordinator or your Sister Village Coordinator or your Command Master Chief/Senior Enlisted Leader.

    DoDEA Guam Schools phone numbers (Area code 671):

    ANDERSEN ELEMENTARY (PreK - 5th grades):  366-1511
    ANDERSEN MIDDLE (6th - 8th grades): 366-3880
    GUAM HIGH (9th - 12th grades): 344-7410
    McCOOL ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE (PreK - 8th grades): 339-8676

  • Installation Resources and Partners  

    View Military OneSource Installation Directory for local installation information.

    Visit Installations' Facebook Pages: Naval Base Guam | Andersen AFB

    Housing Offices:

    Naval Base Guam Housing Office | 671-333-2081/82 
    Andersen Air Force Base Housing Office | 671-366-2127 | AAFB Housing Office Facebook Page | Email:

    Relocation Specialists:

    Navy Fleet and Family Support Center, Naval Base Guam: 671-333-2056 | | FFSC Guam Facebook PageView/Download Fleet and Family Support Center Relocation Welcome letter 

    Andersen Airmen and Family Readiness Center - Andersen Air Force Base: 671-366-8136 | | AFRC Andersen Facebook PageAndersen AFB Newcomers

  • Youth Sponsorship  

    Youth Sponsorship Program:

    A Youth Sponsor is a peer who assists another peer in feeling welcomed to the area, provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, and helps military children feel connected at their new duty station.

    Contact the Child and Youth Programs at Naval Base Guam 671-339-6130, 339-6410, or at Andersen AFB 671-366-7500 or 366-1601 or complete the Youth Sponsorship form for 5th - 12th grades. You may also request a Youth Sponsor by emailing

    Anchored4Life or Student 2 Student Programs:

    Student-led transition support group - either Anchored4Life or Student 2 Student, welcomes new students to the campus, community, and culture. Ask about this program during the school year.

  • School Age Care, Sports, Youth and Teen Programs  

    SCHOOL AGE CARE (SAC) (6 years - 12 years old):

    SAC includes before and after school programs, weekend activities/events during the school year, summer care, and camps during school vacations. Through partnerships with groups such as 4-H and Boys and Girls Club of America, installations help children learn to work with their strengths, interests, and each other, to feel good about themselves, and grow as individuals.  Programs are offered in the core areas of leisure, recreation, and the arts; sports and fitness; life skills, citizenship and leadership; and mentoring and support services. For more information, please visit the installation's webpage, Naval Base Guam SAC or Andersen Air Force Base SAC

    To submit a request for care for ages 6 weeks - 12 years of age go to


    Youth Programs (YP) (11 - 18 years old) 

    Youth and Teen Programs are designed specifically for middle school youth and teens to ensure that the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional needs of youth are address, and predictable services provided.  Youth Programs offers programming in the following areas: sports, fitness and health options; life skills, citizenship, and leadership opportunities; arts, recreation, and leisure activities; academic support, mentoring, and intervention services. For more information, please visit Naval Base Guam Teen Center webpage or Andersen Air Force Base Teen Center webpage

    Youth Sports and Fitness (YSF) (3 - 18 years old)

    YSF provides opportunities for children and youth to be engaged in fun physical actives and to develop life-long healthy habits - acquiring the life skills to achieve a balanced lifestyle for the mind, body, and spirit.  A variety of traditional and non-traditional sports, games, and activities teach sportsmanship, team building, goal setting, and self-discipline.  The Youth Sports and Fitness program utilizes standardized programs and curriculum from the National Association for Youth Sports, 4-H, and Boys and Girls Club of America. For more information view Naval Base Guam webpage or Andersen AFB webpage.

  • Special Needs  

    Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP):

    NavyAndersen AFB 

    Military OneSource: Military OneSource provides Consultations with a Special Needs Specialty Consultant, Resources, and Products such as fact sheets, videos, Parent Tool Kit, newsletter, and more. The Exceptional Advocate is a newsletter for military families with special needs.

    DoDEA Special Education

    U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam EFMP (671) 344-9564.
    Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS): for children ages birth - 3 who may have a developmental delay and who, other than age, would be eligible for DoDEA Schools. Contact U.S Naval Hospital, Guam (671) 344-9027. Guam CEDDERS creates partnerships and pathways to increase the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Contact Us: University of Guam CEDDERS - Office of Graduate Studies, Sponsored Programs, & Research, 303 University Drive, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96913 | Main Office: House 29, Dean Circle | Phone: (671) 735-2481, Fax: (671) 734-5709, TTY: (671) 734-6531

    Guam Positive Parents Together Email:
    Guam Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Call: (671) 475-4624


Click here to view our School Liaison Brochure which includes a school moves checklist.
Click here to view the School Liaison Directory of School Liaison worldwide to help military families with a smooth school transition for their children.

E-learning series A4L-01.jpgThe purpose of Anchored4Life is to deliver high-quality transition and resiliency support for the youth of our Military Service Members. Over the next 5 months, A4L Trainers will conduct 45-minute interactive webinars via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. (CDT) for all 10 A4L core topics. Details and schedule are available to view/download HERE.  For those of you who cannot join live, each session will be recorded and will be available online for you to view at your convenience.