Welcome to Guam

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Click HERE for School Checklist, School Attendance/Bus Zones, and Child and Youth Programs Contacts.  


For additional information click here.


  • Youth Sponsorship Program  

    A Youth Sponsor is a peer who assists another peer in feeling welcomed to the area, provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, and helps military children feel connected at their new duty station. Contact the Child and Youth Programs at Naval Base Guam 671-339-6130, 339-6410, or at Andersen AFB 671-366-7500 or 366-1601 or complete the Youth Sponsorship Form for 5th - 12th grades. You may also request a Youth Sponsor by emailing NavyCYP@militarychildcare.com.

  • Anchored 4 Life or Student 2 Student Programs  

    Student-led transition support group - either Anchored4Life or Student 2 Student, welcomes new students to the campus, community, and culture. Ask about this program during the school year.


It’s such a special time when your children start school, and our Youth Programs (YP) are ready to help meet their needs before and after school. Our goal is to support your child’s development by offering high-quality programs that help build positive relationships with peers and caring adults. We provide sports and recreational activities that focus on building self-esteem, developing appropriate relationships, facilitating academic success, and making healthy choices. Take a look at all the offerings we have available: Andersen AFB Youth Programs | Naval Base Guam Youth Programs

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Visit militarychildcare.com where you can find comprehensive information on child care programs worldwide, conduct a customized search for the care you need and submit a request for care at any time and from any location. Follow these four simple steps:

  1. CREATE AN ACCOUNT: Go to militarychildcare.com to create an account containing information about your family, or to login using an existing username and password.
  2. SEARCH FOR CARE: Search the system for the child care options that best meet your needs.
  3. REQUEST CARE: You can select one or more options and submit your requests for care. The program will contact you when space becomes available.
  4. MANAGE REQUESTS: You can manage your requests for care from anywhere in the world.


Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP): Andersen AFB | Naval Base Guam

Online Tutoring, Test Preparation, Post Secondary Preparation: Tutor.com

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3):
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children deals with the challenges of military children and their frequent relocations. The Compact allows for uniform treatment as military children transfer between school districts and states. Topics include Transfer of Education Records and Enrollment, Graduation, Placement and Attendance, and Eligibility. For more information, view the MIC3 website.


Click HERE to view our School Liaison Brochure which includes a school moves checklist.
Click HERE to view the School Liaison Directory of School Liaison worldwide to help military families with a smooth school transition for their children.